How to Compile COBOL delivered by PeopleSoft
Take backup of e:\PSOFT846\CBLBINA directory
1) Install Net Express [c:\Net_Express\] (do not give space in folder name)
2) Create a Temp directory c:\Temp\Compile
3) Set environment variable COBROOT = c:\Net_Express\Base
4) Set environment variable PS_HOME = e:\PSOFT846
5) Go to directory in command prompt e:\PSOFT846\Setup\
6) Type CBLBLD c: \ Temp\Compile
Alternate Way
Here is a brief synopsis on how to compile on NT/Win95/Win98/Win2000. A COBOL compiler is required to compile COBOL in this environment. Please refer to the Platforms Database on Customer Connection (Library, PeopleSoft Platforms) for the COBOL compiler certified for your particular platform configuration.
1) Move EVERYTHING (regardless of extension *.*) in the %PS_HOME%\src\cbl\base AND %PS_HOME%\src\cbl\win32 directories to a separate "compile" directory. (i.e. c:\temp\compile)
2) Move the COBOL source code from whichever upgrade/fix/bundle/patch/etc. that you are applying to this same "compile" directory (if applicable).
3) Make sure the environment variable %COBROOT% is set. It needs to point to the directory where the COBOL Compiler has been installed. It should contain the path right before the \bin directory for NetExpress (i.e. c:\apps\dvlp\netexpress\base) or the path right before the \exedll directory for Micro Focus COBOL v4.0 (i.e. c:\apps\dvlp\cobol40)
4) From MS-DOS, cd to the "compile" directory (the directory where ALL the source and bat files reside -- i.e. c:\temp\compile).
To compile a single COBOL program, type: CBLMAKE PTPTEDIT or a group of COBOL programs, type: CBLMAKE PTP* or CBLMAKE PT*
6) The .EXE's, .GNT's and .INT's will be created in this same "compile" directory. Move them to %PS_HOME%\cblbin.
Note: Remember to update %PS_HOME%\src\cbl\base with the COBOL source code from whichever upgrade/fix/bundle/patch/etc. that you are applying as well (if applicable).
For more detailed information, please refer to the GSC COBOL Answer Book, which is available on Customer Connection under News & Information (Library, News & Information, by Category, Global Support Center), and to the PeopleTools Installation and Administration Guide for your DBMS platform.
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