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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Refresh and CleanUp of the Environment for CA

Refresh and CleanUp of the Environment

How to refresh and/or cleanUp the Environment Management Hub PSEMHUB data

SPECIFIC TO: Enterprise, 8.4x, Change Assistant

PROBLEM: Customer wants to refresh and/or clean up the data they have in PSEMHUB right now. They wish to delete all data the PSEMHUB has and start fresh.

Solution : To Clean up the PSEMHUB data you also need to ensure that you delete data from all the Agents and the Peers, you cannot just delete data from the PSEMHUB server.

You need to perform this cleanup on all Agents, Change Assistant (CA), Viewer and HUB, that will reinitialize everything for you.

Make sure you stop the Agents, CA, Viewer, HUB before you delete these files or deirectories. After that you can restart them.

For Agents, Viewer and Change Assistant:

Delete the files in the following directories, under PS_HOME\PSEMAgent for Agents, under PS_HOME\PSEMViewer for the Viewer and under the Change Assistant directory for Change Assistant.

envmetadata/transactions/ (if it exists)
envmetadata/data/search-results.xml (just for Agents and CA)


Delete the files in the following directories under PS_HOME\webserv\peoplesoft\applications\peoplesoft\PSEMHUB
if your domain name is not Peoplesoft change the above directory accordingly.

PSEMHUB\envmetadata\transactions\ (if it exists)
PSEMHUB\envmetadata\data\*.* (files and directories.don't delete the data directory itself)


KEYWORDS: Updates & Fixes, Change Assistant

Summary : E-CA How to set up Change Assistant for updates

Details: SOLUTION: 200990531: How to set up Change Assistant for updates

SPECFIC TO: Enterprise, PeopleTools, 8.44 and higher

QUESTION: How do you set up Change Assistant.


How to Setup Change Assistant for Updates

How to Setup the EMF
What is EMF?
Change Assistant is actually only one piece of the Environment Management Framework (EMF).
EMF consists of one Environment Management Hub (EMHUB), Environment Management Agent(s) EMAgent, Change Assistant (CA) and Customer Connection Update Gateway.

What is the Environment Management Hub?
The EMHUB is a central repository of information. It stores the information gathered from the various pieces of your PeopleSoft environment including installed products and information about all updates and fixes that have already been applied to the system. This is where Change Assistant gets its information.

What is an Environment Management Agent?
An EMAgent is a process that crawls (scans the hard drive) for known PeopleSoft patterns for manageable components. The EMAgent publishes management information to the EMHUB. The EMAgent also sends a heartbeat (pulse) and checks for messages and nistructions from the EMHUB.
EMAgent(s) need to be run on all most all servers.
In PeopleSoft we talk of five servers: Application Server, Batch Server (Process Scheduler), Database Server, File Server and Web Server. You may have these on separate computers; have them all on one computer or another combination. You may also have multiple Application, Batch, File and Web servers.
Each computer that is used as a server, except for the database server, needs to have an EMAgent running on it. If one computer is used as multiple server roles (ie Application/Batch server) it only needs one agent running on it regardless of how many PeopleSoft Environments are installed on it.

What is Change Assistant?
Change Assistant is a tool that enables you to assemble and organize the steps necessary to apply patches and fixes for your PeopleTools maintenance updates. Change Assistant also helps automate the application of change packages to ensure your systems have the latest maintenance software.

What is the Customer Connection Update Gateway?
The Customer Connection Update Gateway is a web interface to a wizard that allows you to select updates and fixes.

How Does It Work?
In order to perform reliable and accurate updates, Change Assistant works with the other components of the Environment Management Framework to gather necessary environment information and then uploads it to PeopleSoft Customer Connection. With the environment data available, PeopleSoft Customer Connection can determine what updates apply to your specific environment.
When you access PeopleSoft Customer Connection, you can obtain a list of all unapplied updates for a given application environment including all prerequisites. You can then download a set of change packages associated with the update IDs and install the patches and fixes with minimal effort.
When upgrading software, Change Assistant can guide you through the entire application and PeopleTools upgrade process. In many cases, where manual intervention is not needed, Change Assistant will automate the upgrade process.

How do I Setup the EMF?
Change Assistant is actually the last component that you need to setup.
The first step is to identify your environments. EMF uses a 32 digit hexadecimal number to identify environments. While this is adequate for computers, we would prefer a more descriptive way of identifying our various environments.
Log into your PeopleSoft environment through your web browser. Use the following navigation:
PeopleTools -> Utilities -> Administration -> PeopleTools Options
There are 3 fields on this page that help identify your environment: Environment Long Name, Environment Short Name and System Type. Fill these fields out with meaningful information that will help you identify this environment from your other environments, then click on Save

The next step is to set up the EMHUB. You have probably already set this up whether you know it or not. The EMHUB is installed when you installed PIA on your web server.
If you installed PIA in a single server configuration, the EMHUB is started whenever you start PIA. It also is run on the same http port as your PIA. If for example your PIA url is: your huburl is
If you installed PIA in a multiple server configuration, the EMHUB has been installed but does not start automatically when you start PIA and does not share the same http port. You would start the EMHUB the same way you start PIA. PIA is started with the command _startManagedWebLogic PIA_ while the EMHUB is start with _startManagedWebLogic PSEMHUB_. By default, the http port for EMHUB is 8001.
Make sure the hub is up and running before you start your EMAgents.

The next step is to set up the EMAgent(s). You have already configured them when you installed the PeopleTools CDs. When you installed the CDs you would have been presented with a dialogue box:
The Environment Hub machine name should have been your web server_s machine name and the Environment Hub port number should have been the http port number discussed previously.
If you left this dialogue box at the defaults or put in incorrect values, you can correct them now. These values are stored as the huburl in the file located in \PSEMAgent\envmetadata\config.
All EMAgents should have the exact same huburl.
While checking this file, you will also want to update either the windowsdrivestocrawl or unixdrivestocrawl line. The windowsdrivestocrawl should be the local (non-mapped network drive) drive letter that contains your PSHOME(s). The unixdrivestocrawl should point to the parent directory of your PSHOME(s).

The final step in the setup process is to set up Change Assistant.

To begin make sure that your system environment variable, PATH, has \bin\client\winx86;\jre\bin as the first two entries.

Change Assistant (PeopleTools release 8.46) can connect to PeopleSoft Customer Connection through authernticated proxy server. To do this, open Change Assistant. Select Tools, Options, Web Services and enter the relevant proxy server information:

Change Assistant Options, Web Services screen
If your proxy server does not require authentication, select Anonymous Proxy. If you use a proxy server that requires Windows domain authentication (for example, Microsoft ISA Server), select Microsoft Proxy Server and enter the Windows Domain name.
When you are uploading environments or downloading updates with Change Assistant, if proxy server authentication is required, the system prompts you for the Proxy User Name and Proxy Password.

What ports must be open in my firewall?
Change Assistant connects to PeopleSoft Customer Connection to upload information regarding your environment and to download updates and change packages. Your firewall must allow Change Assistant to communicate to and through the HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) ports. Change Assistant does not require the FTP port to be opened on your firewall.
What Customer Connection username and password should I use?
Use the one you normally use to log in to Customer Connection.

How do I configure the DrivesToCrawl and hubURL parameters in Change Assistant?
To configure the parameters:
1. Open Change Assistant. Select Tools, Options.
2. Select Change Assistant tab, click Apply Application Update as the Change Assistant Mode.
3. Select the Environment Management tab.
4. Enter the Server Host. This is the name of your web server where the EMHUB is installed.
5. Enter the Server Port. This is the EMHUB port number discussed earlier.
6. Enter the DrivesToCrawl parameter in the Drives To Crawl textbox. This path must include the path to your SQL client applications. Be careful to use the forward slash (_/_) character instead of the back slash (_\_). For multiple directories, use a __ character as separator.

How to Compile COBOL delivered by PeopleSoft

Take backup of e:\PSOFT846\CBLBINA directory

1) Install Net Express [c:\Net_Express\] (do not give space in folder name)
2) Create a Temp directory c:\Temp\Compile
3) Set environment variable COBROOT = c:\Net_Express\Base
4) Set environment variable PS_HOME = e:\PSOFT846
5) Go to directory in command prompt e:\PSOFT846\Setup\
6) Type CBLBLD c: \ Temp\Compile

Alternate Way

Here is a brief synopsis on how to compile on NT/Win95/Win98/Win2000. A COBOL compiler is required to compile COBOL in this environment. Please refer to the Platforms Database on Customer Connection (Library, PeopleSoft Platforms) for the COBOL compiler certified for your particular platform configuration.

1) Move EVERYTHING (regardless of extension *.*) in the %PS_HOME%\src\cbl\base AND %PS_HOME%\src\cbl\win32 directories to a separate "compile" directory. (i.e. c:\temp\compile)

2) Move the COBOL source code from whichever upgrade/fix/bundle/patch/etc. that you are applying to this same "compile" directory (if applicable).

3) Make sure the environment variable %COBROOT% is set. It needs to point to the directory where the COBOL Compiler has been installed. It should contain the path right before the \bin directory for NetExpress (i.e. c:\apps\dvlp\netexpress\base) or the path right before the \exedll directory for Micro Focus COBOL v4.0 (i.e. c:\apps\dvlp\cobol40)

4) From MS-DOS, cd to the "compile" directory (the directory where ALL the source and bat files reside -- i.e. c:\temp\compile).

To compile a single COBOL program, type: CBLMAKE PTPTEDIT or a group of COBOL programs, type: CBLMAKE PTP* or CBLMAKE PT*

6) The .EXE's, .GNT's and .INT's will be created in this same "compile" directory. Move them to %PS_HOME%\cblbin.

Note: Remember to update %PS_HOME%\src\cbl\base with the COBOL source code from whichever upgrade/fix/bundle/patch/etc. that you are applying as well (if applicable).

For more detailed information, please refer to the GSC COBOL Answer Book, which is available on Customer Connection under News & Information (Library, News & Information, by Category, Global Support Center), and to the PeopleTools Installation and Administration Guide for your DBMS platform.

WebLogic 8.1 as Reverse Proxy Server

1. Setup PIA with weblogic as WebServer or content server.
2. It is recommended that you don’t go for multiple WebServer.

Follow these steps sequentially:

1) Install weblogic in your machine which is going to be your RPS.
Preferably on your C:\ (Default).

2) Now install PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture on that machine.

You will find setup in this path where PSOFT89 is your PS HOME

Select Multi Server Domain as the configuration.
Give Content Server IP address as AppServer Name.
Give application domain Jolt port as JSL port.
Always try to give unique HTTP, HTTPS port number.

Important Checking:

1. Start the server manually, instead of as a service as this should create the msi-config.xml file

2. From your PS_HOME/webserv/WebServerDomain directory copy config.xml to msi-config.xml as the msi-config.xml file is a copy of config.xml. Now you should be able to start WebLogic as a service or manually.

By Default a server named RPS is automatically defined in addition to the main PIA server.

Following settings are applied to RPS:
i)Name: RPS
ii)HTTP Listen Port: 8080
iii) HTTPS Listen Port: 8443
iv)Default Web Application: HTTP Proxy Servlet
v) Address of back-end Web Logic content server: The hostname of the machine from which the PIA setup was run, with the HTTP listen port specified during the PIA setup.

Specifying Back-End Web Logic Content Servers:

You need to define the content server (WEB SERVER which is presently serving request.) if it is in different machine. You can directly edit WEB.XML file. Follow these simple steps to define web logic content servers.

1) Open the WEB.XML in the specified directory and open it in notepad.

Modify WebLogicHost (Host name) and WebLogicPort ( HTTP port) parameter values.

Hostname of WebLogic PIA/PORTAL server.

HTTP listen port of WebLogic PIA/PORTAL server.

Important Checking:

Make sure that if you have changed the default port for Admin server in config.xml, it needs to be changed in the setenv.cmd file as well.

Your RPS Configuration is complete now start PIA.
Go To Command Prompt
1) startWebLogicAdmin
2) startManagedWebLogic RPS
You can access your peoplesoft login screen through this
http://(machineIP):(HTTPPort)/ ps/signon.html

MachineIP : machine IP where you have created RPS.
HTTPPort : HTTP port of RPS . (Here in the picture 8825)

These problems we may encounter during RPS configuration:


After doing a PIA install for PeopleTools 8.44, with Weblogic 8.1, starting the web server as a service fails.The following is in the log file: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The WebLogic Server did not start up properly. Exception raised: ' [Management:141137]Managed Server was attempting to boot in Managed Server Independence mode, but was unable to complete the boot process as the Managed Server was unable to locate the cached configuration file: c:\psft\webserv\peoplesoft\.\msi-config.xml' Reason: [Management:141137]Managed Server was attempting to boot in Managed Server Independence mode, but was unable to complete the boot process as the Managed Server was unable to locate the cached configuration file: c:\psft\webserv\peoplesoft\.\msi-config.xml SOLUTION: 1) Start the server manually, instead of as a service as this should create the msi-config.xml file. If the file does not get created do step 2 below. 2) From your PS_HOME/webserv/WebServerDomain directory copy config.xml to msi-config.xml as the msi-config.xml file is a copy of config.xml. Now you should be able to start WebLogic as a service or manually.

Unable to boot the Managed Server errors can occur on various scenarios. Please refer to the following cases as to identify which scenarios you're encountering. CASE 1: The Weblogic Admin server starts ok. It is configured to run at 8080 port, instead of 9999 which is the default port. While trying to start the Managed server, it fails to start. The log shows the following messages. Mar 4, 2004 5:04:36 PM CST> SOLUTION: Make sure that if you have changed the default port for Admin server in config.xml, it needs to be changed in the setenv.cmd file as well. CASE 2: Customer is unable to boot the PIA server although the WebLogic Admin server runs fine. PeopleSoft application server domain also boots up fine. In this case, the WebLogic Admin server uses port 9999. 1. Errors found in the PIA stdout log: 2. Errors found in the Weblogic admin log: #### <> <> ####
<> <> ####
<> <> ####
<> <> Comparing the timestamps between the PIA log and the Weblogic Admin log, the Admin server was started at 8:50:12 AM after the PIA managed server at 8:50:02 AM. Do allow sometime for the Weblogic Admin server to be started before starting the PIA server.

The following messages are seen in the PIA_stdout.log file showing the server could not contact the Admin server and tried to start on it's own. Java home=/export/spare/psoft/po844/weblogic81/jdk141_03 Java command line=java -client -Xms32m -Xmx200m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Dweblogic.Name=PIA -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=true -Dssl.debug=false -Dps_home=/export/spare/psoft/po844 weblogic.Server java version "1.4.1_03" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_03-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_03-b02, mixed mode) Java home=/export/spare/psoft/po844/weblogic81/jdk141_03 RESOLUTION: In this case the Admin and Managed servers were being started at the same time. The admin server needs to be started first and enough time allowed for it to start up before the managed server can/should be started.

ISSUE: A customer tries to start a Weblogic Server and receives the following authentication error: Attempting to start WebLogic Server 'PIA' java version "1.4.1_03" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_03-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.4.1_03-b02, compiled mode) *************************************************************************** The WebLogic Server did not start up properly. Reason: Authentication denied : Boot identity not valid; The user name and/or password from the boot identity file ( is not valid. The boot identity may have been changed sin ce the boot identity file was created. Please edit and update the boot identity file with the proper values of username and password. The first time the updated boot identity file is used to start the server, these new values are encrypted. SOLUTION: The managed server has not yet connected to an admin server. Make sure you start your admin server then verify that the admin server is up by accessing the console: ( and then you'll need to start the managed server. Another possible reason for this error is that your script needs to be corrected. For one customer their WLS_USER was set to (operator) instead of (system). System is the delivered user default to sign onto the admin server console. Once they corrected the WLS_USER to the default user used to sign onto the admin server and started the PSEMHUB ( PSEMHUB) it worked correctly. If you change the user and password for the WebLogicAdmin server then be sure and change it in the also. Following are the key fields that the script is using to connect with the admin server to start the PSEMHUB as well as the PIA (see below). These must be set correctly. The message indicating the file had changed since the initial installation is really referring to the connect user being incorrect in the script. Once this is corrected there is no need to reinstall the PIA. is called each time the is run. # WLS_USER - WebLogic ID used to stop and start managed server. User # ID must have be a member of WebLogic defined Operators # group. # WLS_PW - Password of WebLogic user used to start and stop # managed servers. # # ADMINSERVER_PROTOCOL - Protcol managed servers will use when communicating # with an admin server. # ADMINSERVER_PORT - The HTTP/s or t3/s port of the admin server for this # domain. Used for stoping the admin server and optionally # starting managed servers in a clustered configuration. # ADMINSERVER_HOSTNAME - The hostname or IP of the admin server. # ADMINSERVER_SERVERNAME - The WebLogic server instance name of WebLogic admin # server.

Configure IIS as RPS for Web logic as content server

1. Setup PIA with weblogic as WebServer or content server.
2. It is recommended that you don’t go for multiple WebServer.

Setup IIS:
1. Install IIS in a separate machine which will be your reverse proxy for content server.
2. If your content server don’t reside in the same machine where you have installed your IIS then please follow next three steps:

A) From the BEA WebLogic server, copy c:\bea\weblogic81\server\bin\iisproxy.dll to c:\inetpub on your Microsoft IIS server.

B) From the BEA WebLogic server, copy c:\bea\weblogic81\server\bin\iisforward.dll to c:\inetpub on your Microsoft IIS server.
C) In the following procedure, change any reference from c:\bea\weblogic81\server\bin to c:\inetpub.

3. Access the Microsoft IIS configuration.
On a Microsoft Windows server, select Start->Programs-> Administrative Tools-> Internet Services Manager.

4. Add an ISAPI filter.
a) Select the ISAPI Filters tab, and click Add to define a new filter.
b) Enter IISFORWARD for the filter name.
c) Enter c:\inetpub\iisforward.dll for the executable.

5. Define a new application extension mapping.
a) Select the Home Directory tab then click Configuration.
b) Click Add on the App Mapping tab to define a new application mapping.
c) Enter c:\inetpub\iisproxy.dll for the executable.
d) Enter .wlforward for the extension.
e) For Verbs, enter All Verbs (or at a minimum, GET and POST).
6. Create the IIS-Plugin configuration file.
Create c:\inetpub\iisproxy.ini, containing the following lines and setting the values appropriately.
WebLogicHost= IP Address of machine where Weblogic is located.
WebLogicPort= HTTP port of weblogic server.
#WlForwardPath=*/WEB SITE NAME/*,*/crm/*,*/ps/*
7. Restart Microsoft IIS.
Restart the two Windows services, IIS Admin Service and World Wide Web Publishing Service by using the Services utility in the Control Panel or by issuing the following three commands at a command prompt:
8. Start the BEA WebLogic server.
Start the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture server either by invoking startPIA.cmd (.sh) or if installed as a Windows service, “NET START peoplesoft–PIA”.
9. Test your configuration by accessing the Microsoft IIS server by using the URL for your site.
For example: http://IIS_server:port/ps/signon.html

IIS_server: IP address of machine where IIS server is located.
Port: IIS Server default HTTP port number.